
Aceasta sanie antrenament pentru bidoane este instrumentul necesar in antrenamentul tuturor sportivilor pentru dezvoltarea acceleratiei, exploziei musculare, fortei specifice, rezistentei etc. Sania produsa de PROSPORT este echipata bidoane ce pot fi umplute progresiv cu apa, nisip etc. (neincluse in pret). Aceasta sanie antrenament pentru bidoane de apa poate fi trasa, dar si impinsa. Sania este echipata cu ham comod si 5 m de cordelina.


  • structura din bare de otel inchise la capete cu capace din plastic
  • capacitate maxima: 4 bidoane
  • echipata cu ham comod din poliester durabil
  • include 5 m de cordelina de 8 mm grosime
  • greutatea proprie a saniei: 16 kg

Va recomandam si sania cu discuri de haltere.


This power sled for plastic jerry cans is the necessary tool in the training of all athletes for the development of acceleration, muscle explosion, specific strength, endurance, etc. The sled produced by PROSPORT must be completed with 4 plastic jerry cans that can be progressively filled with water, sand, etc. (not included in the price). This power sled for plastic jerry cans can be pulled, but also pushed. The sled is equipped with a comfortable harness and 5 m of rope.


  • closed steel bar structure at the ends with plastic caps
  • maximum capacity: 4 plastic jerry cans
  • equipped with a comfortable harness made of durable polyester
  • includes 5 m of 8 mm thick cord

Informații suplimentare

Greutate 30 kg